Important Changes to FourSquare for Marketers in 2013


FourSquare has announced two big changes to its app for 2013, which will come into effect from January 28th in the new year.

Full Names Always Displayed

To make searching for friends in FourSquare easier, everyone's full name will be displayed on the app. In previous versions, sometimes a full name showed, and sometimes just an initial and surname. If you want to change the name that is displayed, you can change it at

Businesses Can See More Of Their Recent Customers

This is the change most important for marketers. A business on Foursquare will be able to see more of their recent customers. At present, businesses can only see the customers who have checked in within the prior three hours. However, not everyone has time to check these and note their most loyal customers (which can help in targeting future offers to them), so now you'll be able to see lots more recent check-ins.

Do you use Foursquare for business? Will these changes benefit you in your social media marketing? Comment below to let me know!

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