Facebook Profile Photo Tip for Individuals With Followers and Pages
/If you are the figurehead of a company on Facebook with both a business Page and a personal profile on which your customers use to keep up to date with your goings-on, it can, at a glance of the News Feed, be a bit confusing at from which destination any given status update is coming from.
Of course, if somebody has chosen to follow you both personally and professionally, they might not really mind, but since the types of updates you share on your Page versus your individual profile might differ in style and content, it never hurts to differentiate the two. For people who come across you in search results, it'll give them an instant reference point too.
One quick and easy way to do this is with a slightly different profile for each, as in the examples below.
Business Page
Personal Profile
In my examples, I have used exactly the same photo for both the business Page and personal profile, but identified each with a bar along the left-hand side of each, and contrasting colours to further highlight the difference. You could use two completely different photos and ditch the label, but me, I happen to like the continuity.
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