3 Easy Ways to Increase Click-Through Rates on Pinterest (With Examples)

Are you looking for ways to increase engagement and click-through rates on Pinterest?

If your pins are visually on-point already, that's half the battle won! Next, it's time to push forward towards what success on Pinterest looks like for you - and for most businesses, that’s usually what happens after someone clicks your pin.

Whatever action you want people to take - like driving website traffic, increasing sales of a product, or growing video views - these three simple strategies will help you on that path. Let's look!

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What Every Business MUST Do to Prepare for Pinterest's Guided Search

What Every Business MUST Do to Prepare for Pinterest's Guided Search

What Every Business MUST Do to Prepare for Pinterest's Guided Search

What is Pinterest Guided Search?

Pinterest Guided Search was rolled out to the site in April 2014 (mobile app first, desktop soon after) as a way to shake-up how search engines work. Pinterest says Guided Search is "made for exploring, whether you know exactly what you want, or you’re just starting to look around. "  By offering broad suggestions as you search - and letting you add your own into the mix - the hope is that users will find what they are looking for more easily, whether that thing was in their mind from the beginning or whether suggestions inspired them to a choice along the way.

How does Pinterest Guided Search work?

Pinterest's Guided Search Example

Pinterest's Guided Search Example

Say your initial Pinterest search was for one of the things above. In this case, I chose Mens Style.

Pinterest's Guided Search Example

Pinterest's Guided Search Example

Upon the results being returned, Pinterest automatically suggests relevant suggestions to help me narrow my search down, e.g. clothes for Summer or Fall.

Pinterest's Guided Search Example

Pinterest's Guided Search Example

By tapping the "+" button, you are able to add in your own suggestions to help narrow your search results down as you wish, e.g. "blue" to filter the clothes by colour.

What does Pinterest Guided Search mean for my business?

First off, Pinterest has said that Guided Search will not affect search rankings, so your current pins are unaffected. However, what its introduction does do is give brands an even bigger incentive to make sure that their pins' descriptions are optimised for SEO. This means including specific, relevant keywords to help highlight the most distinctive elements of your pins in order to give them the best chance of being discovered.


Will the introduction of Guided Search spark a change in the way you publish content on Pinterest? Do you welcome the new feature? Let me know in the comments below!

How to Optimize Pinterest Board Names For SEO


There are plenty of benefits in taking a few minutes to optimise your Pinterest board names, both in terms of the aesthetics of your profile and - more crucially - for search engine optimisation on the site.  

Use the tips detailed in the video above to help boost the visibility of your Pinterest boards to gain more viewers, likes, repins followers, and leads. And if you enjoy the video, don't forget to subscribe for regular social media tutorials!

Andrew Macarthy is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.

Buy 500 Social Media Marketing Tips (Kindle or Paperback)
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007L50HE6
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007L50HE6

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How to Optimize Pinterest Pin Descriptions for SEO

A stellar description is one of the most important elements of a pin on Pinterest, but something that businesses either do not spend much time on, or neglect completely. Both can damage the pin's SEO credentials, so it's well worth spending some time to craft a few hundred keyword-rich, relevant words with a link and hashtags to really make your pin stand out from the crowd.

Check out the video above for more information and tips about optimizing your Pinterest pins' descriptions for SEO.


Andrew Macarthy is author of 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller:

Buy 500 Social Media Marketing Tips
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007L50HE6
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007L50HE6

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