5 New Facebook Page Features Every Business Must Use to Boost Engagement and Sales

Unlike in the past, Facebook Pages are no longer primarily a place for people to view your business' Facebook Posts.

With the increased ineffectivenss of the News Feed, Facebook has moved to create additional value for businesses by making Pages a place where people can find all the information they need about your business, and to easily act upon it. 

Chances are that many people will come across your Facebook Page before even your website, whether through Google or a search on the Facebook app. So, the key is to make it as useful to them as possible. 

In short, these days your Facebook Page should act as a central hub for everything your business offers.

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Ready For Facebook the Messenger Customer Service Revolution? 6 Steps Every Business Needs To Take Now

Do you use Facebook to handle customer service? The Messenger app is fast becoming the centre of the action for customer interaction on Facebook, and your business needs to be ready.

In this blog post, I'll show you the 6 big steps you need to get your business ready for customer service via Facebook Messenger.

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