How to Bulk Edit YouTube Videos With Bulk Actions | Edit Multiple Uploads at Once


YouTube has recently launched a very helpful feature for content creators, which allows them to edit numerous parameters across multiple videos all at the same time. Called Bulk Actions, it removes much of the hassle of editng stuff like the descriptions, privacy, and comment settings on one video at a time. Here's how to use YouTube Bulk Actions:


1. Inside Video Manager, check the videos you want to edit in bulk and choose 'Advanced' from the Actions drop-down menu.


2. Select the parameters you want to edit in bulk from the next drop-down menu. You have to select them one at a time, but you can choose as many as you like to add to a list of parameters that will all be changed at the same time.


3. Make the required changes to each parameter, e.g. Description, Privacy, and Ratings in the above example. When done, click 'Submit'.

And that's it! How useful will you find YouTube Bulk Actions for editing multiple videos at a time? Let me know in the comments below!

Andrew Macarthy is the author of the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.

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Facebook Contest Strategy - Custom Tab Images for Sweepstakes


Holding competitions and sweepstakes on Facebook is one of the most popular ways for brands to increase likes and attract potential new customers with relative ease and expense. I recently launched my first Facebook contest, with a prize of 5 paperback copies of 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.

As per Facebook's contest rules, I used an exernal app, Woobox, to help manage entries and choose a winner. Woobox installs a custom tab on your Facebook page to host the contest, and allows you to create a custom tab image to represent it. It's these 111 x 74 pixel images that I want to discuss in this blog post. I'll show real examples of what I consider to be bad and good examples, and how the latter can help boost the visibility of your contest and heighten the number of entries you receive.

Disclaimer: I am aware that there are plenty of ways to drive people to a contest tab via external links, but I am focusing solely on visits to the Facebook page itself.

The Bad - Buyagift

Buyagift's contest gives fans the chance to win a romantic meal for two as part of a Valentine's Day promotion, but visitors to the page would hardly know it! First of all, the contest tab is hidden "below the fold" of the four tabs that appear by default on all Facebook pages, meaning that users must go exploring to even find it.

Secondly, the custom tab image itself does reflect connotations of love and Valentine's Day with its pink colour, hearts, and wispy font, but no one will know what the prize is without clicking - and most people probably won't even do that to find out. Lastly, the text underneath the custom tab is poor. "Valentine's" doesn't really compel anyone to click on the tab to find out more - this is a perfect place to add a call to action or other powerful message.

The Good - Lowcostholdidays

In this example, lowcostholidays has done a great job of publicising its contest to over 100,000 fans and every potential new one who visits their Facebook page. First off, the contest tab is placed prominently "above the fold" where everybody can see it. Second, the custom tab image not only tells people what they can win, but the prize is with a very tempting image of a sunny vacation destination, in keeping with the visual branding style on the rest of their page too. Lastly, the custom tab text is a call to action telling users what they have to do to - "Take Our Quiz" - to enter.

The Mine - 500 Social Media Marketing Tips


Here's the custom tab image I designed for my competition. Unlike lowcostholidays, I have decided to give the whole tab image over to the text 'WIN MY BOOK!', as my page is all about one product - rather than the innumerate number of vacations that lowcostholidays sells - and there is a huge photo of the book in the page's cover image.

I used contrasting colours of white, green, and yellow to help the tab stand out on the page, but still keep it in line with the page's visual branding. And lastly, my call to action reads "Click to Enter!", a clear direction to anybody who sees it. I would have liked the arguably more clear "Click Here to Enter!" but that won't fit without being cut off and damaging the call to action altogether. 


While many brands will rely on non-Facebook sources to help drive users direct to their contest apps, there is certainly something to be said for giving the promotion the best chance of succeeding as possible - and this includes using a great custom tab to market the event direct on your Facebook page.

Andrew Macarthy is the author of the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.

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How to Edit Pinterest Boards on iPhone | Edit Pins on iPhone App


Pinterest recently added the functionality to edit pins via its mobile app. Given the higher chance of making typos and other errors while pinning from smartphones and tablets, this ability is very much welcome. Here's how to edit a pin or board on the Pinterest app for iPhone:


1. When the Pinterest app loads, tap to visit the 'Profile'; tab.


2. From the Profile tab, select a pin board.


3. Next, tap on the pin that you want to edit.


4. Scroll beneath the pin and tap 'Edit'.


5. Choose whether you want to edit the pin description or the board it is pinned to.

6. Make the edits required and tap 'Done'.

7. Back at the Edit Pin screen, tap 'Save' to update your changes. And that's it!

Andrew Macarthy is the author of the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips.

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How to Use Valentine's Day for Social Media Marketing


Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and while many people view the ocassion as an over-hyped, over-commercialised cash-in for big brands (probably true), that doesn't mean they don't go along with it! And for social media and content marketing, the provides a great opportunity to give your profiles an overhaul and pump out some powerful related content to help grow brand loyalty and increase sales. Here are just a few examples of how to use Valentine's Day for social media marketing:

1. Update Your Facebook Cover Image

Giving your Faceboook cover a Valentine's makeover is a simple and powerful way of promoting the event to your fans, particularly if the product you offer - as in the case of Hotel Chocolat above - is heavily linked to the day. As many people will click on your new cover image for a closer look, don't forget to include a description, call to action, and a link to where you want them to go, e.g. your Valentine's online shop.

2. Update Your Twitter Header Image and Background


Walmart has amassed over 300,000 followers on Twitter, and it knows - with its love heart-themed Twitter background and header image, that it can communicate a powerful message about its Valentine's offerings to them. There's no hard sell with the images, but take a closer look what their Bio has been changed to: "Save Money, Live Better. Let us help with your Valentine’s Day needs. Tweet @Walmart for inspiring gifts ideas for your sweetheart this Valentine’s season!"  Not only will this call to action be seen by Twitter users, but it also appears underneath Walmart's Twitter page description on Google search.

3. Share Images, Offers, and Promotions


Of course, Valentine's Day can also be used as a way to directly market to your customers via status updates across social media. In my case, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips is hardly the most romantic of gifts, so I've gone for a very playful approach. With a bit of creativity, you can capitalise on the impact of Valentine's Day whatever your business type. For example, a company that sells printer ink could launch a Valentine's Day offer for X% amount off Product X because they love their customers so much, or a pet store could remind people not to forget about the four-legged friends in their life that deserve a little Valentine's Day treat too.


These examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hopping on the Valentine's Day bandwagon to help customers to love your brand more, or tell them how much their love and support means to you. How will you be using Valentine's Day in your social media marketing? Let me know in the comments below!


Andrew Macarthy is author of 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller:

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Connect Foursquare and Twitter Accounts for Greater Engagement


Foursquare has rolled out a neat little change for business managers who choose to connect their Twitter and FourSquare accounts together, and it's a change that could help increase engagement with customers. 


Now, when a customer tweets a check-in to a business, the establishment's linked Twitter handle will appear instead of just unformatted text. In the above image, a check-in to Butter lane now reads as a check-in to @butterlane.

It's only a small detail, but could certainly encourage new customers to click on the Twitter handle to find out more about the business in question.


Andrew Macarthy is author of 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller:

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