YouTube Subscribe Button PSD Photoshop | July 2013, New Design

A couple of weeks back, YouTube changed the design of the 'Subscribe' button on its website for the second time in a matter of months. First it was yellow, then a mixture of red and grey, and now we're onto a bold red design. 

I like to include a clickable 'Subscribe' button at the end of my YouTube tutorials to encourage viewers to keep up to date with my content, and if you're the same, you'll be wanting a big, fat Subscribe button of your own to add into your video at the editing stage (coupled with a spotlight annotation once uploaded to make it clickable). YouTube doesn't make an official one available, so here is one that I have created that I hope will make a good substitute. 


  Click here to download the .psd file, or right-click and Save the image about for the PNG. 


Andrew Macarthy is the author of the #1 Amazon Web Marketing Bestseller, 500 Social Media Marketing Tips, available for Kindle and in paperback.

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